The National Association of Educators in Practice (NAEP) aims to have a health and social care workforce in which individual practitioners
fully understand the value of education for learners, patients/service users, carers and other practitioners.
The association’s vision is for high-quality practice educators to play a key role in professional and academic development, with a wide range
of learners both in health and social care and in other professions with the recognition that high quality practice education inevitably leads to
better patient/service user care.
NAEP’s mission is to ensure that professional education is grounded in practice through providing the best possible support network for
educators in practice across the allied health professions, midwifery, nursing and all health and social care professions.
The association seeks to:
- Value and promote the importance of practice-based learning
- Support and promote the importance of all health and social care professionals who have an educational role in practice setting
- Support the development of educators in practice.
- Drive the role of evidence informed practice education
- Recognise and enable national agenda and policy about practice education Value and promote the importance of practice-based
The Association’s objectives
- Provide a community of practice for individuals who are recorded on the NAEP database.
- Provide opportunities for sharing and dissemination of good practices, collaborative working and disseminating sources of information and expertise.
- Hold a General Meeting to update members of activities and strengthen the community, normally held annually.
- Maintain a live database of members that is compliant with GDPR.
- Promote collaboration with other agencies to underpin and support Educators in Practice and provide advocacy and advice on policy/guidelines, as necessary.
- Support the development of an evidence base to underpin education in practice and enable its dissemination to relevant stakeholders.
- Collaborate, support and promote the International Journal of Practice Based Learning in Health and Social Care.
The NAEP executive committee
The NAEP executive committee is made up of professionals from across the spectrum of the health and social care workforce.
The association represents the range of allied health professionals, midwives, nurses and social workers.